Chaldean Numerology
Your birthday is not a random date.
Your birthday reveals the challenges your soul must develop through in this life.
Your years unfold according to your life plan and contain karmic aspects you must go through to move closer to your inner light.
The energies of your names interact with your life plan, presenting you with significant challenges, both positive and negative.
Names attract and emit vibrations. In this way, you influence yourself and your surroundings through your names. Manifest!
They also have a significant impact on whether your physical body functions well.
Names can obscure your light or help it burn brightly, influencing how your years unfold. Names are part of your karmic task list, which can be changed.
When you change an imbalanced name to one that aligns with your birth energy, you open up new and positive aspects of your life path and mind. Your names support who you were born to be.
The vibrations of new names attract and influence aspects different from those you’ve previously known, bringing you closer to your life’s purpose.
Can you influence your life? Yes!
Can you gain deeper insight into your life’s purpose? Yes!
Can you experience greater joy in life? Yes!

Actress, from The Danish National School of Performance 1973
Numerologist 1999
Clairvoyant coach 2002
Sophia Waldorf Scool Anthroposophical teacher education 2005
Certified numerologist 2023

My path to Numerology
My background
From my earliest childhood, I have communicated with beings that are not immediately visible and performed acts that seemed physically impossible.
I graduated as an actor in 1973 from The Danish National School of Performance in Copenhagen. Through my work as a singer and actor, my understanding and awareness of the importance of dreams and emotions grew. What had always been my reality found its expression.
The Metaphysical! Imagination, creativity, and intuition are my fields. Alongside my artistic endeavors, I have worked to understand and experience the deeper layers of our existence.
In the late 1990s, I became a numerologist at Annet Kofoed’s school and established a practice in central Zealand. In 2002, I became a clairvoyant advisor through Lone Hertz’s school. A few years later, I completed an anthroposophical teaching program and was affiliated with a Waldorf school for 10 years. In 2015, I returned to the world of magic, theater, and film. In 2023, I completed a master’s degree in numerology.
The name changes
Before my numerology training, I changed my name several times—sometimes because I felt drawn to a name or because I adopted my husband’s name. Each time, my life changed radically, and not always for the better. Only later did I connect these major life changes to my name changes.
Names have always fascinated me. I intuitively understood that they held a deeper significance, though I didn’t know what that was.
The challenges brought by disharmonious names took me through many “karmic lessons.” I have used my own life as a “numerological test subject.”
Today, I possess unique knowledge about the influence of names and the interplay between birth dates and names. I have found peace and acceptance in who I was born to be and in the name vibrations that align with my true self—my incarnation. Through the precise knowledge that numerology provides, I have gained insight into the necessity of following universal laws.
Changing to the right name vibrations is a spiritual event that brings you closer to who you are and allows you to shine in your light.
In the past, humanity’s knowledge of the forces and influences of the universe was far greater than it is today. People were aware that everything in the universe is interconnected and has significance for them.
The Chaldeans, a people from Mesopotamia, studied the movement of the planets and their influence on human life. Their knowledge forms the foundation of Chaldean numerology.
Numerology reveals, through your birth date and name, the vibrations that constantly influence you. It unveils what is happening in your life and who you are.
Numbers and letters are archetypes expressed through the planets. The nine planets each represent a number, and each number/planet is expressed in a letter derived from an ancient phonetic system.
A name numeroscope is a geometric figure where the birth date and numerical values of the name are placed in predefined positions. Their interaction tells an exact story about a person’s life.
Business numerology is about finding the right name for your business. It includes the right domain name, the right email address, a good phone number, and most importantly, the right launch date! Send your tasks and products into the world with the correct energy and name.
The names of animals also hold great importance. Are you starting a kennel? What should it and all future puppies be named? What should your new puppy be named?
Year number sequences are energy periods that reveal what you attract during a specific time. These sequences are created from your birth date and name. A good name numeroscope should have optimal year number sequences.
A name change will always alter what you attract. However, with a name that aligns with your birth chart, you will come closer to realizing your deepest desires and life purpose. It will support your work and help you find meaning in your incarnation.
Numerology for newborns is of great interest to me. Helping a newborn soul begin their life path in the best possible way is a profound and meaningful endeavor.